Sunday, May 20, 2007

Skin cancer

Australians is the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. The skin cancer can be prevent. However many people die from the diseases of skin cancer every year.
Here are some important factors of the risk of skin cancer.
Australia exposed to more UV----Australia is closed to the ozone hole over the Antarctic which means the Ultraviolet (UV) radiation are higher and more severe.
Long term sun exposure and sunburn---- Stay under the sun for a long time will develop the incidence of skin cancer. It’s dangerous to expose yourself to the sun.
Hereditary factors----Some cases proved that hereditary is an important part in susceptibility to skin cancer which is increased incidence of skin cancer.
Skin type----You are at the risk of skin damage and skin cancer whatever which skin type do you have.
Moles and freckles----people who has many freckles or moles is at risk of skin damage. It should be suspect if the freckles or moles change.
The skin cancer rates will be reduce if people continue to do the protection and check our skin regularly. Because more cases of cancer will be diagnosed if we go to check our skin.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for raising awareness about skin cancer. The best thing people can do to avoid skin cancer is to cover up, use hats and umbrellas, and avoid sun exposure between 11 AM and 3 PM. Many sunscreens only protect against UVB rays, and it is very important to find a product that protects against UVA rays as well.

Lynne Eldridge M.D.
Author, "Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time: Practical Advice for Preventing Cancer"

Marion said...

Well Alisha, You see how important it is to write carefully in your blog? You've had a comment from a doctor about your post! You see you never who in the world is reading what you write!

I'll correct the English in your posts very soon. Well done with all your hard work!