Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In the modern world, the rate of overweight and obesity are increasing fast. It's dangerous becasuse obesity accompany that increases the risk of many chronic diseases.
If we have surplus energy on our body for a long time, we will be overweight or obesity one day. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic and potentially lethal disease. But most of them can be prevent if people notice their lifestyle.
They said the more body fat you’re carrying, the higher the risk to your health. It’s also said that if you add a number of weight during the adult years, you will also have higher risk of health. So, if we want to have a good health, we needto prevent obesity first.
Some factors cause the Obesity: Lifestyle can cause obesity. Obese people are inactivity. They used to live sedentary lifestyles. They like sedentary activities more than physical ones.The energy that we ate are more than we used also can lead to obesity. More and more new produces reduce our physically active.
In order to have a healthy body, we need to prevent obesity. It requires us to provide a healthy environment which is eating low energy food and do more excises.

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