Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007


1. Who can borrow from the TAFE library?
2. What do you need to bring to join in?3.How many items (things: books, videos, etc) can you borrow?
4.What is included in print items?
5. How long can you borrow books for?
6.How long can you borrow videos for?
7.What happens if you want them for a longer time?
8.How can you renew books or other library items?
9.How many times can you renew items?
11.Can you search the library catalogue from home?
12. Can you return books after-hours?
13.When is the library open?
14.How can you make photocopies or print from one of the library computers?
15.How much does it cost?
16.Is it the same price for Student Association members?
17. What other services are provided?
18. What ESL resources do they have?
19. Can you borrow books from other TAFE libraries?
20. What is a good idea for ESL students?

1. The student who are enrolled to TAFE.
2. Need TAFE Card.
3. 10 items. 6 print items, 4 audio-visual items.
4. Books, magazine.
5. 2 weeks
6. 1 week
7. They can renew the books or the other items.
8. They can just ring the staff to renew the books or other items.
9. Twice
11. Yes, we can.
12. Not really. People can return books after-hours between 8:00-9:00 a.m.
13. At 9:00
14. Need TAFE card and load money at the TAFE card.
15. 20 cents to make an copy.
16. No, half price.
17. Help student to find information for assignment.
18. Books, exercise books, readers, story books.
19.Yes ,we can.
20. The library have some dictionaries, they can use them in the library.

Skin cancer

Australians is the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. The skin cancer can be prevent. However many people die from the diseases of skin cancer every year.
Here are some important factors of the risk of skin cancer.
Australia exposed to more UV----Australia is closed to the ozone hole over the Antarctic which means the Ultraviolet (UV) radiation are higher and more severe.
Long term sun exposure and sunburn---- Stay under the sun for a long time will develop the incidence of skin cancer. It’s dangerous to expose yourself to the sun.
Hereditary factors----Some cases proved that hereditary is an important part in susceptibility to skin cancer which is increased incidence of skin cancer.
Skin type----You are at the risk of skin damage and skin cancer whatever which skin type do you have.
Moles and freckles----people who has many freckles or moles is at risk of skin damage. It should be suspect if the freckles or moles change.
The skin cancer rates will be reduce if people continue to do the protection and check our skin regularly. Because more cases of cancer will be diagnosed if we go to check our skin.

Health Expo

TAFE wanna use the money that we earned from the Health Expo to give to the handicapped Olympic Games.
The interesting thing was that they asked AMEP students to cook healthy traditional food and bring it on the day. Then they will sell the food that the students bring and the money earned form the health Expo will donate to the disabled.On the day, the AMEP studenthe had to be sellers, and the food were sold to all that come to buy. AMEP has four classes and we were one of them, and we had the opportunity of selling food.
The Health Expo was started at 10:30 and finished at 1:30 on Wednesday.
It was so crowded. The tables were set up outside the canteen and there were some staff stood behind these tables to provide the info of health to the students. Inside the canteen, people were busy buying food.
At 12:30, it was our turn to be seller. The Expo will end in 1 hour time. So our class was the last shift.
We just put on the staff T-shirt and started. The food were displayed on the tables and they showed the name and the prices of each food, all of them looked so yummy!
We just stood behind the tables and waited our customers. A Chinese lady stood in front of me and looked at the prices of the Chinese food. Then she said:" They are so expensive, not many people will buy them!" " Yes, It's a little bit expensive" I said, "but they all look delicious, I think many people want to try them."
Later on, one guy came to buy Chinese rice. Cause the spoons were so small, it need long time to ladle the food. My friend was so cute ,she served up the food and poured rice into the dish. It was the end of the Expo, so we give him more rice. Then he said:" Oh, dear! It's too much!”At last, All of the food were half price but we can eat them for free. So we ate them as we were selling them. So yummy! Soon, all of the food were finished. At last, we had a competition. Our classmate Nancy was so lucky to win the prize.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In the modern world, the rate of overweight and obesity are increasing fast. It's dangerous becasuse obesity accompany that increases the risk of many chronic diseases.
If we have surplus energy on our body for a long time, we will be overweight or obesity one day. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic and potentially lethal disease. But most of them can be prevent if people notice their lifestyle.
They said the more body fat you’re carrying, the higher the risk to your health. It’s also said that if you add a number of weight during the adult years, you will also have higher risk of health. So, if we want to have a good health, we needto prevent obesity first.
Some factors cause the Obesity: Lifestyle can cause obesity. Obese people are inactivity. They used to live sedentary lifestyles. They like sedentary activities more than physical ones.The energy that we ate are more than we used also can lead to obesity. More and more new produces reduce our physically active.
In order to have a healthy body, we need to prevent obesity. It requires us to provide a healthy environment which is eating low energy food and do more excises.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spain's New Ban

Spain issue a new ban which didn't allow models that are too thin. It caused by a model died during a show.
I think they should have this ban.
Some models look so healthy ,but actually they have serious health problems. I don't understand that designers like models who are pretty thin to show their clothes. They felt happy when they saw people wearing thire clothes. But why they always require thin models which are not general. If models want to improve their chances for career, they should keep thin which resulted eating disorders.
I think this ban can protect models. At least, it can improve models health.

1. What triggered the ban?
2. What's BMI?
3. What BMI should a model have to be allowed to participate in fashion parades in Spain?
4. What's the average height, weight and BMI of a runway model?
5. What are the arguments for and against?
6. Check the meanings of gaunt, emaciated and wan.
7. How can you calculate someone's BMI?

1. The ban was triggered a model died during a show in South America.
2. BMI is height to weight ratio.
3. The Spanish ban requires models who who wants to participate in shows shuold have a BMI abvoe 18.
4. The average runway model is about 5 feet 9 inches tall and to weigh in at 110 lbs. resulting in a BMI of just 16.
6. Guant: excessively thin and angular. Emaciated: to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin . Wan: suggestive of poor health.
7. Height to weight ratio.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dangerous Food

Scientists found that hot chips have high levels of acrylamide which causes cancer। But it is used to make plastics and dye. Scientists think it has something to do with the cooking process.

A report shows that Monosodium glutamate(MSG) which can damage our eyes is often used in take-away food to enhance flavour in food।

Sometimes delicious food euqil rubbish food. The condiment always bad for peopole's health.